Three Boring Dudes

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Podcast #7: Four Foods, One Cup

Welcome, dear listener to the first Three Boring Dudes podcast of 2014!  Herein you will find tales of joy, glory, and betrayal at the hands of studios that make shitty movies they want you to vote for during awards season.

Jessica joins Judd, Cody, and Barret in the blender (we won't tell you who "wins"), adding a fourth ingredient to the mix, giving us:  Chocolate Sauce, Cottage Cheese, Apple-flavored fruit leather, and Equal brand artificial sweetener.  It could have been worse.

Here's the link for those who haven't figured out that clicking the title of each post is also a link to the downloadable file:

In games, we talk about State of Decay, Star Citizen, and The Witcher 2:  Assassin of Kings.  In movies we discuss Solar Crisis, Sunshine, August:  Osage County, Dallas Buyer's Club, American Hustle, and then briefly mention a whole bunch of other films.  In TV, we talk about Spy, Arrow, and Strikeback.  Damn we're some busy motherfuckers.

Oh yeah, and we're on iTunes now!  Give us a five star rating because you don't know what those stars mean!  Yeah!!!