Three Boring Dudes

Monday, October 28, 2013

Official Podcast #3: Two Boring Dudes, a Wife, a Friend, and a Baby

Hello to our loyal listener!

In this episode Judd and Cody are joined by Jessica (Judd's Wife) and Craig (Cody's "Friend") with occasional screaming by Griffin (Judd and Jessica's "Baby").  Cody drinks the blender, Judd tells the cancer joke that he told his dad while his dad was fighting cancer, and there are entirely too many jokes about rape!

Here's the link in case the title link isn't working for you:


PS:  Barret continues to suck dong by skipping the podcast while trying to make a living putting his own meat into other people's mouths, aka running a hot dog stand.  He swears he'll be back soon!

PPS:  If you have a question for the Three Boring Dudes that you'd like us to read on-air, post it here!  Also, we'll personally thank our first five (all five!) followers!  Holy crap!

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